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Who Do You Work With?

Who Do You Work With?

You’re walking along about your day and someone stops you and ask, “So who do you work with?” what is your elevator speech? You should have a well-defined group who you chose to work with. If you respond “anyone”, my friend you will soon be out of business, because you will not be running a business but managing a circus. Why? You may be new to real estate or a seasoned agent and you may be thinking that the goal is to work with as many people as you can to generate the most revenue that you can. Unfortunately this thought process does not bring the wealth to most people because it lacks focus and a targeted market.

If you do not distinguish yourself and develop a solid business plan you will never truly be doing business. You need to be comfortable with saying no to some business. Yes the goal is to get clients to see homes and list properties for sale. Yet, you want to be sure you are specializing in your niche. No I am not telling you to turn down business that falls in your lap or knock on your door, but your strongest presence and you excellence will be defined by your target market.

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If you will work for any one then you sound just like every other ad that is trying to just fine a customer and you get lost in the sauce. You message is lost because people get immune to the same old same old. When you begin in real estate find a role model and a coach. You have to be accountable are you will get lost in the old adage of “fake it until you make it”. Why reinvent the wheel when someone has the blueprint for your success.

 Don’t get lost at sea or even worst begin to blend in and lose your identity in the world of real estate. If you are a carbon copy of every other agent then why should it matter who the client decides to work with? You have no unique value proposition so therefore it makes no sense to seek your services but instead you will have to compete with the rest of the just getting by. You will end up with what is left over after the seasoned professionals take all the deals in their niche and the organic business that just fell in their lap because they had a specialized skill.

When you enter the real estate business you have to “be a sponge” absorbing all the knowledge in the business that you can. If you are like everyone else in the business then you bring no immediate value to yourself and you will be one of the 4 out of 5 that get out of the business in less than 5 years.  Finding and then educating yourself on your niche is essential to not being the one with the bulls eye on your back screaming I’m the new agent.

Be you and be different. After all you did start a marketing and advertising career the moment you signed up to be an agent. So define your brand and let the world know what makes you unique. Do not blend in and think the market is “saturated”. Yes it is saturated with all the people who are doing the same thing and blending in with the masses. You are different and can stand out if you find what your passion is and brand you. Tiffanie Flagler wants to help you establish who you work with by giving you our free questionnaire. Click the link below to get your free eguide on establishing who you want to work with.

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What does your newsletter, emails, postcards, knocking scripts, calling expired listings say about you? Why do I want to work with you versus another agent?  When you starting to realize that you are not standing out from the masses the worst thing you can do is to keep doing what they are doing! Curate your message to stop speaking to everyone and get specific on who you desire to work for? You have to attract the clients that you desire to work with and organically you will pick up some that are no in your niche; think of these people as your bonus. Often times you may be surprised by yourself once you get a grasp on everything and the puzzle starts to fit together. Directly market to your audience in everything that you do!

  1. Who is your ideal client? What does your ideal client look like? What makes this client unique and what can you do to attract their attention?
  2. You are not just a real estate agent or a realtor. Define who you are and what your niche is when you speak to people. Always be selling in your conversations, your interactions, your social media, your branding, and any other marketing you may do.  Once you find your true love in real estate it will be seamless and you will never work a day of your life!
  3. If you are pleasing everyone else then you’re probably going to end up quite unhappy! Real estate is not a one size fits all, every seller or buyer may not be the right fit for you. This is not burger king and they cannot just all have it their way. You are the professional for a reason so be honest with your buyers and sellers and set realistic expectations. If you want to gain momentum and not waste valuable time, make sure you do this early and often.

If you want to survive in the real estate business, then get a business plan in writing and stick to it. This is a living and breathing document and you can change it if you find something is not working, but a least give it 6 months to see if it really works. Evaluate your plan quarterly and make adjustments as you go. Get serious about defining your ideal clients, those who love you will work with you!! Wake up every morning and start your day off with affirmations and motivational speaking. Get your passion flowing and get out and service your dream clients!


Tiffanie Flagler

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